Player of the Week results — EPISODE 17

7 min readApr 13, 2021


LOL who even cares about this anymore! Casting for szn 37 is POPPIN’ (relevant Cast Insights article here); apparently All Stars is outshining Double Agents at every turn; and I just found out that tomorrow is only the start of the final, which will continue next week. YAWN 🥱

[Also, I’m high-key annoyed they decided to air AS & DA simultaneously, because it makes it blatantly obvious which is superior. Just like when Drag Race UK 2 and US 13 were happening at the same time. DA & 13 have been draaagggginngggg, no pun intended, and I can’t wait for them to be over. Especially because I have a vibe that the people I want to win will not. That’s a vibe — I don’t actually know for sure. Regardless — f*ck.]

Player of the Week

  1. Kam — 126
  2. Kyle — 24
  3. tie with Cory & Fessy — 18

5)tie with Leroy & Nany — 9

7) CT — 8

8) Amber — 3

9) Kaycee — 1

Kam stomped the mission and got herself to a second consecutive final — her third in her career (after Vendettas & War of the Worlds 2). She flexed her math skills, puzzling, and cardio to win the daily — her second this season, and Cory’s first — and she proved to work well with her partner again. All of this is great news for the final. Team chemistry matters and I’m really pulling for them!

Kyle lost the mission and the elimination, but people love him (and he’s funny and rootable) so he got votes. Same with CT, who literally didn’t do a thing this episode (again).

Fessy gave the biggest, hardest hit we’ve ever seen in Hall Brawl, brought his elim record to 3–0, and made the final back-to-back. Sure, he lacks Kyle’s charisma and is edit to be the villain, but he did well this ep.

Nany exceeded all my expectations in the mission and showed that she is ready for her second career final. She’s running it with her Real World roommate Leroy, and it’s such a beautiful full-circle moment, especially since this is his last season. Sorry, I mean szn.

As for Amber and Kaycee, they don’t deserve any votes for under-performing during the mission. Let’s hope their partners can make up for their faults in the final, because it was NOT a good look. And assuredly, CT and Fessy can — both are physical monsters who also excel at mental tasks.

The best thing about the episode was how we learned the 4 teams in the final, and in my estimation, nobody is head-and-shoulders above the rest. CT/Amber B and Leroy/Nany are competing for the first time together, and Fessy/Kaycee were only together for one mission (on ep 5). And it’s not like Kam/Cory played all season together either — only the last 3 dailies— so they are relatively new to each other too (since there was 17 missions this season lmao what a joke). It’s unpredictable and I can’t wait to see what happens!

(but preparing myself for a CT/Amber B win, with a possible money steal, as Rake has been predicting for weeks now 🤢)

Best Social/Political Game

  1. Cory — 81
  2. Kam — 48
  3. Leroy — 43
  4. Kaycee — 16
  5. CT — 11

Cory did some heavy lifting this ep and convinced Fessy to go into the Crater to upgrade his partner. If he didn’t pull this political move, then his partner’s boyfriend would’ve been at risk for elimination, and he would’ve had some blood on his hands. But it all worked out copacetically thanks to Cory’s social/political game.

Kaycee also helped this along by encouraging Fessy to do the same, so they could run the final together. Not sure if this is good politics, but it’s reinforcing her friendship + BB alliance with Fess, so it makes sense socially.

Kam, Leroy, & Nany have been in control all szn but especially in the endgame. Votes here are merited, even if I didn’t see anything specifically this episode to award them. In fact, what I remember is that Kam and Leroy made a deal and shook hands with Kyle, then immediately double-crossed him. That’s not good for the social game on future seasons… But honestly, who hasn’t snaked Kyle during Double Agents? 😂

Then CT got votes… Why? You tell me.

I know that I’m biased against him, but he literally did nothing this episode — he didn’t compete in the mission or play any part in choosing his partner for the final. So why did he receive 11 votes? Idk.

Best Edit

  1. Kam — 68
  2. Kyle — 58
  3. Leroy — 31
  4. Cory — 20
  5. Nany — 12

Like I said, Kam killed the mission and made the final. The editors also included the hot tub scene with Leroy, which is excellent for their respective edits.

Kyle got a hero’s edit on his boot episode. He remains a huge player, even a face of the franchise, as he’ll soon enter his 7th season.

Nany also killed the mission and had confessionals about how people underestimate her. That’s a good edit, especially right before the final.

And then Cory made the final — also his second in a row (along with Kaycee, Fessy, Kam, & Leroy), and fourth all-time (Bloodlines, Invasion, & Total Madness). He has grown into a legitimate force on The Challenge — his stats don’t lie! 4 finals and a 7–3 elim record in 8 seasons. If not for his early exits on 30, 31, and 32, he’d have a pre-Cutthroat Brad-like reputation.

Biggest Misplay

  1. Kyle — 55
  2. Leroy — 45
  3. Kam — 38
  4. Amber — 35
  5. Fessy — 25

Kyle lost the elimination handily. It wasn’t even close. Fessy was more than halfway through the hall when he knocked Kyle — who is 6' 2" and like 210 lbs, a big boi — on his ass. It was frightening, actually. Especially when you consider that Kyle has experience with Hall Brawl before, so it wasn’t a Tori-Jenny situation.

Does he deserve the biggest misplay? I don’t think so. I don’t think anybody in Challenge history would beat Fessy in Hall Brawl. Maybe CT on Duel II, but only because of all the muscle, anger, and coke.

Rather, Bamber flopped the mission in a worse way than Devin and Josh did on Air Lift. She tweeted that she has dyscalculia — like dyslexia but for numbers — so I don’t want to drag her. But yeesh, she couldn’t even advance past the first checkpoint.

People threw 108 votes at Leroy, Kam, & Fessy — but for what? What did they do to warrant so many votes for misplays? I legit do not know. Plz enlighten.

Fave Momentz & Avg Ep Rtg

Y’all voted the episode a 7.38 — a huge step up from last week’s 5.68. There was so much good about this ep! A mission where people could not gang up on other teams (good game design); Nany surpassing expectations; political/voting drama; Kam roasting the men for talking out both sides of their mouths; a banger elimination; and lots of team switch-ups! Loved it.

What did people say were their fave moments? Do they differ from me? Let’s see.

  • Leroy + Kyle roasting Fessy reading his letter during elim
  • Cory’s political maneuvering
  • Fessy waiting alone in the volcano, very Sitting Alone in the VIP vibes
  • Kam making a sandwich for Leroy 💙 and the Kamroy hot tub scene!
  • the RW Las Vegas two being paired in the end 👯‍♂️
  • Kam checking the men for talking shit behind their partners’ backs
  • “You’re not a superhero; you’re a super douchebag”
  • RoytheBarber cutting CT’s hair!! 💈
  • Kam & Nany’s performance in Escape the Volcano

Oh and finally shout-out to this lonely loser, who wrote in: “Didn’t watch it BITCH FACE CUNT!” I love having fans 🥰

Back or Buh-Bye?

An overwhelming back to Kyle next szn — 88.4% voted this, with only 1.9% saying no and 9.7% for “maybe on S38.”

Kyle for a seventh straight season? Why not! The show needs new male leads, and he has the charisma and competitive capability to be the face. You love to see it.

Spreadsheet results here. Catch y’all next week, which won’t be the last one because MTV is torturously dragging this season out. Sorry ‘bout it!

🖤 from Nova




Written by NovaRogue

I write about MTV’s The Challenge, with a queer / social justice / critical analysis bent. #UnspoiledGang

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